2021 is finally here – may it be a bit kinder on humankind than its predecessor.

As we head into the New Year, it is important to remain mindful of the COVID restrictions imposed on bars, restaurants, breweries, distilleries, and other gathering places within Metro Nashville.  All restrictions and other resources can be found here.

Be safe out there!

During Phase Three, all businesses open shall continue to:

  • Screen daily all employees with symptom checks. Employees with symptoms or a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater must leave the premises immediately.
  • Post conspicuous signage with information about health precautions for patrons, employees, and staff, including safe social distancing measures and practicing good hand hygiene.
  • Advise employees with any symptoms of illness to be tested and to stay home until they receive medical clearance. Establish policies that make it possible for employees to isolate and quarantine.
  • Require employees who interact with the public, or who cannot maintain a safe social distance from their co-workers, to wear cloth face coverings or masks. Social distancing can be accomplished through physical barriers between people or groups.
  • Sanitize all items, supplies or equipment after each use on or by each customer.

Bars and Restaurants

Restaurants, Limited Service Restaurants, and Bars: 

Note: All restaurants and bars are now operating under the same set of Public Health standards.

  • Restaurants and bars are encouraged to display this sign highlighting their commitment to safe public health practices.
  • Restaurants and bars may operate at 50 percent capacity, with social distancing.
  • Restaurants and bars may continue seated-only service at bar counters throughout Davidson County with social distancing between parties. No standing at the bar counter.
  • 10:00pm last call and service for food/beverage establishments.
  • No patron entry after 10:00pm.
  • “No Seat, No Service.” Customers must be seated at tables in parties of 8 or fewer.
  • “Stand up, Mask up.” Customers must wear masks while standing or walking through the restaurant.
  • Self-service food, beverage and shared condiments are not permitted.
  • All surfaces must be cleaned after use by a patron.
  • The use of disposable, virtual or no-touch menus is recommended.
  • Live music or entertainment is allowed, subject to the conditions set out Public Health Order 7. There must be a barrier between performers and audience.
  • No dance floors permitted. To the extent possible, tables can be placed on dance floors or the dance floor area shall be physically closed off.
  • Ancillary or participatory activities including, but not limited to, arcade games, pool, football, darts, laser tag, or similar activities may open but must be sanitized between each use. Cleaning supplies should be provided alongside such participatory activities for customers to use between each use.
  • Order 10 from the Metro Public Health Department, took effect Saturday, August 8, 2020 and prohibits the following in the Downtown and Midtown areas:
    • the open consumption or possession in an open container of any alcoholic beverage outside of permitted establishments;
    • any sale of alcohol by a restaurant except when sold for consumption on premises or for off-premises delivery;
    • any sale of alcohol by a limited service or restaurant or bar except when sold for off-premises delivery; and
    • all curbside and to-go sales of alcoholic beverages.

Last modified: January 1, 2021