On Thursday, August 13th, Nashville Mayor John Cooper stated that Nashville bars will be allowed to reopen on Monday, August 17th with up to 25 patrons only. The new mandate rules will also extend the curfew imposed on restaurants from 10:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., which Cooper stated would allow businesses one more round of customers before closing their doors each night. Metro is ramping up enforcement with the establishment of “enforcement teams” to keep an eye on compliance with future mandates.
For industry members, this means that breweries, limited service restaurants, and distilleries with bars can now reopen. A collective sigh across the manufacturing and small to medium sized bar industry members can be heard throughout Music City. For the large bars that count on scale and mass gathering, this change likely does little to ease the pandemic pain being endured.
Stay tuned for the most recent Tennessee hospitality industry updates.
Last modified: August 14, 2020