All industry members should be aware of the types of changes to their business which require notice, or even pre-approval, from the regulatory bodies which govern them. Address changes, ownership changes, even equipment changes and changes to a business plan, can require pre-approval from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), the state alcoholic beverage commission, or your local beer board.
This vineyard was popped by the TTB for a consignment sale violation, as well as for failing to amend their permit after an address change:
Here is the TTB’s statement, issued October 22, 2018, pertaining generally to enforcement of anti-competition practices in the alcohol industry: “TTB is committed to putting an end to anti-competitive practices that hurt law-abiding businesses and prevent consumers from enjoying a wide selection of products. With that goal in mind, TTB will continue to assess ways that enforcement actions can encourage voluntary compliance and discourage noncompliant industry members from treating those enforcement actions as a simple cost of doing business.”
Questions about compliance related issues pertaining to your business? Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Last modified: November 5, 2018